On Thursday, January 11, myself, as well as fellow classmates Liz, Monica and Kyle made our way to the Newberry to check out this distinguished library. However, upon arrival, we were informed by a guard that our visit would stop at the first floor. Because it is a research library with a huge selection of first edition books, manuscripts and other rare artifacts, one must have a legitimate reason to use the library. And, being students who just wanted to look around, didn't count as a good reason.
I was somewhat surprised that we were shut down; especially after reading on their website that they are "open to the public." I understand the importance of their materials, but it's not like we were asking to go into the stacks. We just wanted to see the library.
As crazy as it may seem, the first floor did have some to offer. There were two exhibit rooms worth the trip. They both dealt with the ancient Aztec empire. The first was full of books, texts and other writings from the empire. The other was a miniature city of historical Tenochitlan. It was complete with mini people, canoes, tents and Aztec temples.
So, despite not really fulfilling the goal of touring the library, we were able to get a bit out of our visit.
Link: http://www.newberry.org
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